
Top resources for online learning and skill development

Top resources for online learning and skill development

Top resources for online learning and skill development


If you’re looking for online learning and skill development, there are many sites to choose from. They range from small start-ups to large corporations with millions of users. Here are my top five picks for finding the best resources for online learning and skill development:


Coursera is a nonprofit education company that offers courses in a wide range of subjects. Courses can be taken for free, but they also offer certificates and degrees if you want to earn college credit. There are over 30,000 courses available on their website and more than 1 million students have enrolled in them so far.


EdX is a non-profit organization that offers courses from Harvard, MIT, and other universities. The courses are created by professors at those institutions and are available for anyone to take or watch for free. You can learn about computer programming, statistics and data science, mathematics, physics—the list goes on!


Udacity is a non-profit educational initiative that offers courses in many different disciplines, including tech and programming. You can learn about technology by taking Udacity’s online classes on the fundamentals of web development or machine learning. It also offers courses on topics such as computer science, data science and artificial intelligence (AI).

In addition to its extensive collection of programming languages and toolsets, Udacity has an extensive library of videos covering various topics in science—including biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics—and has even partnered with NASA for astronaut training!

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization that offers free, online courses in math, science and history for anyone who wants to learn. The website has over 10 million users from 190 countries around the world. These users can take hundreds of math and science courses from experts such as Salman Khan (Khan’s father) or Steve Haines (an MIT professor).

The learning management system (LMS) will allow you to manage your own courses with ease. You can also create multiple assignments for each student as well as monitor their progress through reports on test scores and grades for each assignment completed by your students throughout the year!


FutureLearn is a free online learning platform that offers courses on a wide variety of subjects and languages. The site has over 1,100 courses available in English, French, German and Spanish.

FutureLearn’s mission is to help people learn new skills while they’re at work or at home. To do this they offer a range of different types of courses including:

  • Self-directed learning – you get to choose what you want to learn from their library
  • Workshops & virtual events – these are great for teachers who want to share their knowledge with others in the classroom or via Skype
  • Courses for schools & colleges – if your school wants something more formal or teacher-led then this might be perfect for them


Skillshare is a platform for sharing skills and learning. It has a wide range of courses available, from beginner to advanced levels. The courses are divided into categories such as “creative” or “business.” If you’re looking for something new, it’s possible that Skillshare will have the course that interests you!

You can find free courses on Skillshare too—but they’re not all free! Some of these paid programs feature live-instructors who teach over video chat (like Lynda), while other paid programs offer recorded videos with online tutors.

Skillshare also offers many different learning styles: group classes, one-on-one lessons between individual students and instructors (like Udemy), online workshops led by professionals in their field (like LinkedIn Learning) and more!

There are many online learning and skill development sites to choose from, so start exploring!

There are many online learning and skill development sites to choose from, so start exploring! You can learn a lot from these sites. You can also learn a lot from your peers.


We hope this article has given you some great ideas for where to start when looking for online learning and skill development. If you’re new to the world of online learning, there are many resources out there to help you get started. Remember that the most important thing is motivation—if you don’t have that, no amount of technology will be able to save you!

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