
tips for writing strong thesis statement

tips for writing strong thesis statement

tips for writing strong thesis statement


Writing a thesis statement is one of the most important parts of any essay, and it can help you organise your ideas in a clear way. For example, if you’re writing about how much money people spend on food each year, then your thesis statement might be something like “In developed countries like the United States, people spend more than ten percent of their disposable income on food every year”. This gives your reader an idea about what they’ll be reading about in this essay – but at the same time it also tells them exactly what it is that makes up this topic (spending more than ten percent on food) and why this is important to discuss further down in your text

It should be simple, yet direct.

When writing a thesis statement, it’s important to be direct and clear. You want to use simple language that is easy for the reader of your paper to understand. This will help them understand the main point of your argument much better than if you were writing in complicated language or with complex sentence structures that make it hard for them to follow along with what you’re saying.

You should also use a friendly tone when writing your thesis statement because this will make people feel more comfortable reading it—they’ll feel like they know you better after reading it! It’s also important for writers (especially students) who are trying out new ideas or ways of thinking about things before sharing them publicly through their own work as well!

You should be able to work out what it means from the first sentence.

When you’re writing a thesis statement, it’s important to be able to work out what it means from the first sentence. The best way to do this is by having an idea of what your essay will cover. If you don’t know where your essay is going, how can you write a strong thesis?

The purpose of a thesis statement is not just for clarity—it’s also very useful for structuring an essay. Once again: if there isn’t anything interesting or new about your topic (or if there are other ways in which people could have written about those topics), then why should anyone care about reading about them?

Your thesis statement should be simple enough that it can be summarised in one or two sentences.

Your thesis statement should be simple enough that it can be summarised in one or two sentences.

If you want to write a good thesis, then you need to be clear and concise with your ideas.

The best way to ensure that your research paper is well-written is by keeping an eye out for any ambiguity or confusion in the language itself. This means checking for typos and grammatical errors, such as using “to” instead of “too”; also looking for repetition (more than 10 times) of similar concepts throughout paragraphs or pages without referencing back up where possible so readers can see what exactly has been said previously and why it matters now; making sure there aren’t too many adverbs included which add flavour but don’t necessarily add value; etcetera…

The essay is about your personal experience and knowledge on a particular topic, so make sure you write your thesis based on this knowledge.

The first thing to keep in mind is that the thesis statement should be about your personal experience and knowledge on a particular topic, so make sure you write your thesis based on this knowledge.

Now that we’ve established what makes up a good thesis statement, let’s look at how to construct one.

Your thesis should address what you’ve already written in your introduction and with the body paragraphs of your essay.

Your thesis should address what you’ve already written in your introduction and with the body paragraphs of your essay. In other words, it’s not enough to say “I believe that…” or “I think…”; instead, you need a concrete argument that explains why this is true.

For example:

  • You can state your main point by saying: “My thesis is that X is better than Y because of Z.”
  • You can use another sentence as an example (or even multiple sentences) that supports this idea: “Accordingly, I would argue that X should replace Y as our standard for measuring customer satisfaction.”

Write down three to seven ideas that can be used as the basis for your thesis statement, then find one idea that is most important to you.

Now that you’ve written your thesis statement, it’s time to find one idea that is most important to you. The best way to do this is by using the words in your thesis statement as a starting point. For example, if your thesis statement reads “Thesis: Our society tends towards violence and conflict because people don’t understand each other’s needs” then use these five words as inspiration for a list of topics that could fit into this argument:

  • How does our culture affect our ability to communicate?
  • Can we change our culture so it better serves humanity?

Try not to use more than five words, but don’t be afraid to use more if they help strengthen your argument.

The problem with using too many words is that it can make your thesis harder to read. You want the reader to be able to understand exactly what you are saying, so don’t be afraid to use more if they help strengthen your argument.

But there’s another reason why it’s important not to use too many words: it makes the sentence longer and more difficult for the reader (and therefore slower) than if they had fewer words in their sentence. This can lead them down a path of confusion or doubt about what you’re trying say—not what we want when writing a thesis!

Writing a thesis statement helps you think through what you want to say in an essay with clarity

Writing a thesis statement helps you think through what you want to say in an essay with clarity. If your main idea is clear and concise, it will be easy to follow throughout the rest of your paper. A thesis statement should be based on personal experience and knowledge; it should address what you’ve already written in your introduction and with the body paragraphs of your essay. For example:

  • “I feel that teachers should spend more time teaching students how to write essays instead of just giving them tests.”
  • “I believe that students need more encouragement from their parents so they can do well at school.”


Writing a thesis statement is not that difficult, and it will help you to think through what you want to say in an essay. If you follow these tips, then your thesis statement will be strong enough to support your argument and make the reader understand what your essay is about.

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