
Tips for writing an abstract that attracts the readers attention

Tips for writing an abstract that attracts the readers attention

Tips for writing an abstract that attracts the readers attention


Writing an abstract is a crucial step in the research process. It’s also one of the most overlooked parts of writing an academic paper, which can lead to confusion and frustration when trying to find information on a topic. In this post, we’ll give you some tips for writing an abstract that attracts the readers attention.

Research on the topic of your abstract is important

Research is important. The more research you do, the better your abstract will be.

Research helps you write a better abstract because it helps you understand what others have found and how they’ve used it in their work. You can use this information to create a new way of looking at things that hasn’t been explored before—and then share your findings with others!

Research helps you write a better paper because it helps keep everything organized and clear when writing. It also provides lots of examples for each step along the way so no one gets lost or confused about what needs to happen next!

Proofread your abstract

  • Proofread your abstract.
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Make sure that you don’t have any typos in the text, such as missing letters or words, wrong punctuation (commas), too many or few spaces between sentences/paragraphs etc.
  • Make sure that you haven’t made any grammatical errors by using incorrect words or phrases in a sentence e.g., if I say “I want”, then it could mean either: “I want something” OR “I am wanting.” It’s important to choose which one makes more sense for your audience because they will notice if they are reading something that doesn’t make sense!

Use a point form

The best way to write an abstract that attracts the readers attention is to use a point form. This means you should use short sentences, active voice and short paragraphs. It is also important that your text is clear and easy for the reader to understand.

Use bullet points instead of full sentences or paragraphs. Use bolding and italics if necessary for emphasis or clarity in writing your abstracts.

Keep it short and sweet

  • Keep it short and sweet.
  • Use a point form.
  • Use a friendly tone.
  • Use the right words in your abstract, sentence structure and grammar are important too!

The best way to ensure that your abstract will attract readers’ attention is by keeping all of these things in mind:

Your abstract needs to be easy to read, informative and interesting.

Your abstract needs to be easy to read, informative and interesting.

  • Use short sentences. If you have more than one sentence in your abstract, make each one as concise as possible.
  • Use short paragraphs. Not only does this help your reader get through the paper quickly but it also allows you to use fewer words for each topic or point that is being made.
  • Don’t use more than three paragraphs in an article-length document (including both sides of the page). This will make it difficult for readers who may not be familiar with your field of study or research methods but instead may feel overwhelmed by all they’ve learned so far just reading through some long-winded prose on their computer screens!


We hope you’ve enjoyed this article and that it’s been a helpful guide to writing an abstract that attracts the readers attention.

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