
The impact of technology on academic writing

The impact of technology on academic writing

The impact of technology on academic writing


Technology has changed academic writing for the better. In this post we’ll explore how technology has transformed the ways we communicate and interact, how it makes us less creative and efficient, and how Google search engines have made it possible to find almost anything at virtually no cost. We’ll also look at some of the downsides of this transformation – namely that it makes it easier than ever before to find information about any topic (good or bad)

Technology has transformed the ways we communicate and interact.

As technology has changed the way we communicate, it’s also changed our interaction with other people and objects.

In this section, you’ll learn about some of the most common types of interactions that you’ll encounter when using technology. You may be surprised at how much more interactive your device is than before!

Technology is making us less creative, more efficient, and more lazy.

Technology is making us less creative, more efficient and more lazy.

In a world where information can be found on your phone in an instant, we’re becoming increasingly reliant on search engines and online databases to find what we need. We no longer have to think up new ways of solving problems as we used to; instead we simply type in keywords or phrases into Google; when something shows up relevant results appear instantly (or so it seems).

We also spend less time creating content ourselves and more time reading it from other people’s blogs, websites and articles. This trend has been proven by research studies which show that students who read articles written by others tend to score higher marks than those who wrote their own essays or worked through assignments independently.”

Google and other search engines have made it possible to find almost anything we want–and at virtually no cost.

Google is the world’s most popular search engine, and it’s a fantastic resource for finding information. With millions of webpages indexed by Google, you can find almost anything you want—and at virtually no cost.

Google has become an important tool for students who are conducting research or writing papers in college. Students who use Google to search for academic papers will find that they have access to more information than ever before: there are literally thousands upon thousands of academic papers available on the web today! And because these essays are written by actual people instead of machines (which means they’re usually more readable), they’re also easier on the eyes when reading through them during your studies.

There are now more than 3 billion web pages on the Internet (and another billion or so blogs), which means there are many more potential sources of information than there used to be.

There are now more than 3 billion web pages on the Internet (and another billion or so blogs), which means there are many more potential sources of information than there used to be. We can find information about almost anything through online databases, search engines, and social media sites like Facebook. The result is that we have access to an unprecedented amount of information at virtually no cost.

But it isn’t just about having more sources; it’s also about being able to use those sources in ways that didn’t previously exist. For example: if you want to write an essay about how technology has impacted academic writing in the past decade or so, then first check out Google Scholar—a search engine devoted exclusively to scholarly articles—to see what has already been written on this topic before yours gets published! Once you’ve found something interesting (or maybe even groundbreaking!), check out other related websites such as Academia.edu and CiteULike because they’ll give some good ideas for further research into your chosen area(s) – which may include other scholars’ work as well!

We can now find virtually any scholarly article through online databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Project Muse.

We can now find virtually any scholarly article through online databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Project Muse. These sites are used by students to find articles that have been published in academic journals (and sometimes even those that aren’t). They also offer access to older papers so you don’t need to be limited by the date of publication on your paper.

This means that if you’re writing a thesis or dissertation on a particular topic—like environmental policy—you can easily search for relevant studies from years ago!

Technology has changed academic writing for the better

So, how has technology changed academic writing for the better?

  • Technology has made it easier to find information. You can now type in a search term and get results from the web, databases and libraries. For example: if you are looking for information about how to write an essay in accordance with APA guidelines, then go ahead and type “apa format” into Google or any other search engine (or use one of our templates). In less than two seconds you will have access to over 300 articles relevant to your topic!
  • Technology has made it easier to find information on the web. Thanks to internet connections everywhere around us, we don’t need paper publications anymore since everything is digital these days! Just like before when people used paper books as reference materials only during school hours or at home after work hours; now they have access 24/7 through their mobile phones too thanks again mostly due but also partly because of advancements in technology which allow them do things faster than ever before.”


In conclusion, technology has made life easier for scholars and researchers. It has made it possible to reach more people with our work and to share our discoveries with the world at large. The internet also allows us to collaborate with others on new projects. To put it simply: if you want academic writing done today, there are few better places than the Internet!

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