
study hacks to boost exam performance

study hacks to boost exam performance

study hacks to boost exam performance


If you’ve ever taken an exam, then you know how stressful it can be. But if you can manage your stress and still get top marks against your rivals, then you’ll be happy with the results! Here are some hacks that will help boost your exam performance:

Use a green pen.

A green pen is the perfect choice for exams. It’s easy to see, write with and erase. And it’s also great for cleaning your hands and wiping off any mistakes you make while writing.

Green is a good colour for exams because it stands out against white paper or blackboard and makes it easier to read what you’ve written in text books or notes. Green is also easier on the eyes than other colours like red or blue which may make them more painful if they’re looked at too long after a few minutes of staring at something else – especially when you’ve been studying hard!

Sleep before the exam.

Sleep is a powerful way to increase your focus, attention, creativity and relaxation. It also helps reduce anxiety and depression. Studies show that people who get enough sleep tend to be happier than those who don’t…and they perform better on tests!

That’s because when you’re well-rested, brain cells are healthier and can work more efficiently—which means you’ll have the energy needed for exam preparation (and afterwards).

Eat well before the exam.

Eat a healthy breakfast before the exam.

Eat a healthy lunch. Having a balanced meal will help you focus and get rid of any fatigue that may have crept up on you during the morning, which is crucial for mental sharpness.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and avoid feeling dehydrated in front of the exam board! If possible try to drink at least 3 Litres (10 cups) per day but this is not necessary if it’s too much work or difficult to make sure you’re drinking enough throughout the day then do what works best for YOU!

Study in a comfortable environment with good lighting.

The first thing you should do is find a comfortable place to study. If you’re feeling stressed, it’s better to be in an environment where there are no distractions and you can focus on the task at hand. Make sure that whatever room or area you choose has good lighting so that your eyes don’t strain when trying to read or write notes down. If possible, try not to study at night because this can cause insomnia and make it harder for students who have trouble sleeping at night due to stress from studying for exams.

Do all your studying in one sitting, and then take a break and repeat the process.

  • Study in one sitting.
  • Take a break, then repeat the process.
  • Use a timer to help you stay focused on your work and prevent distractions from coming up during the study session.
  • Use a study plan to help you stay focused on your work and prevent distractions from coming up during the study session (this can include making sure that each section has been completed before moving onto another). If possible, use an online tool such as our Study Plan Tool or Checklist feature within this website!

Avoid using technology on your phone or laptop during lectures or tests.

While it’s important to use technology during lectures and tests, do not use it when studying. If you’re using a laptop or tablet for any of these purposes, consider using another device instead.

For example, if you need to take notes on your laptop while in class, try writing them down with pencil in a notebook instead—this will help keep the focus on what’s being said rather than how easy it would be for someone else to sneak a peek at your screen! Also consider bringing out paper pads and pens so that when something comes up where typing is required (such as response questions), there are options other than just typing more quickly than necessary into Google Docs/Scribd/etcetera..

You can boost your marks even if you don’t feel motivated

You can boost your marks even if you don’t feel motivated, or even like studying. Sometimes the best thing to do is to force yourself into doing something that’s not particularly enjoyable, because it will make the time go by faster.

Even if you’re not in the mood to study and have already done some of your homework, there are still ways in which this could benefit you:


Studying for exams is a stressful and time consuming process. It can be difficult to stay motivated on top of everything else that’s going on in life, but there are some things you can do to make it easier. If you follow these hacks, they could help boost your exam performance and get more out of your studying time!

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