
What is Literature in English

What is Literature in English

What is Literature in English

Literature in English is the body of written works produced in the language. The word “literature” has been used since the 19th century to describe a kind of writing that is meant for serious or even unserious readers. The earliest form of English literature was religious writing and works of poetry composed in Latin by monks. The first books printed in English were religious texts, mostly Bible translations

Literature in English is literature that was written in the English language.

Literature in English is literature that was written in the English language. This includes both poetry and prose, as well as plays, novels, memoirs and other forms of story writing.

  • Poetry:
  • A poem is a work of verse (like a haiku). It can be short or long, simple or complex. The most famous poems are by William Shakespeare who wrote dozens over his career including sonnets about love relationships between men and women for example; “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” In this poem he talks about comparing you to a summer’s day because you’ve been around since childhood but now have grown up into adulthood where everything begins changing around you when things start changing too quickly like when winter comes back again after summer ends so then everyone gets sad because there won’t be any more fun things happening anymore until next year comes around again which makes us forget that we ever had fun before learning how much better things were when there wasn’t any snow on our roofs!

The word “Literature” has been used since the 19th century to describe a kind of writing that is meant for “serious” or even “unserious” readers.

The word “Literature” has been used since the 19th century to describe a kind of writing that is meant for “serious” or even “unserious” readers. The term was first used in England, where it referred to works from classical authors like Shakespeare and Milton.

In the United States, however, it came into use during the 19th century as a way to distinguish between what was considered highbrow (i.e., literature) versus lowbrow (i.e., popular fiction). This definition was based on what people thought about those novels at the time: if they were considered artful and complex enough that only people who could afford them would bother reading them; if they were long; if they had complicated plots; if they featured complex characters who experienced great change over time through their actions—then these books would be considered literary!

The earliest form of English literature was religious writing and works of poetry composed in Latin by monks.

The earliest form of English literature was religious writing and works of poetry composed in Latin by monks. The first books printed in English were religious texts, mostly Bible translations.

The first books printed in English were religious texts, mostly Bible translations.

The first books printed in English were religious texts, mostly Bible translations. The printing press was invented in the 15th century and printers began producing books in Latin. Books were usually published by monks or other religious groups who had access to a large print run because they could sell them at a low price (usually less than $10).

Before Shakespeare’s time, most people had never read any literature in English.

Before Shakespeare’s time, most people had never read any literature in English. The first books printed in English were religious texts, mostly Bible translations.

When William Shakespeare was born (in 1564), his country was an economically underdeveloped one: the population was small and poor, there were few towns with paved roads or paved streets; education was limited to schools run by monks or priests; women couldn’t vote or inherit property; everyone knew how to speak Latin because that was what they studied at school since childhood!

English literature predates Shakespeare’s time by a full century; it was not until the 18th century that writers began to write in their native tongue instead of Latin or Greek.

English literature predates Shakespeare’s time by a full century; it was not until the 18th century that writers began to write in their native tongue instead of Latin or Greek. Writers like William Wycherley (1640–1715) used their own language to work on plays such as “The Country Wife” and “Love’s Labor Lost”. These plays were written entirely in English and were performed in London’s theaters during this time period.


English literature is a rich, diverse and complex field. It includes works of poetry, prose fiction (including the works of Jane Austen), drama, non-fiction and biographical writing. In the past two centuries, many important authors have been born in England, including William Shakespeare (1564-1616) who wrote some of the world’s most famous plays such as Hamlet or Macbeth. The next period saw the development of Romanticism which centred around rural settings with strong characters; Wordsworth’s poem “The Prelude” helped establish this movement with its emphasis on nature over society. By 1913 there was already a large body of published material written in English across different genres including horror stories about vampires like Bram Stoker’s Dracula

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