
innovative uses of technology in the classroom

innovative uses of technology in the classroom

innovative uses of technology in the classroom


Technology can be a wonderful tool for teaching and learning, but it’s important to know how to use it effectively. Here are some innovative ways to use technology in the classroom:

Use of the internet

The internet is a great way to learn. It’s open, it’s free and it doesn’t require any money or resources. You can also use it to communicate with people all over the world who have similar interests as you do.

The internet is also helpful when trying to find information on different topics such as history, geography and science. If there are any particular books or articles that you want more information about then there are many websites where these can be found online so no matter where in the world your living at this moment in time then this could be something that could help improve your knowledge base which would mean better grades at school when studying those subjects later down the line!

The internet also plays an important role when looking for jobs because there are plenty available online today – just search Google with phrases such as “How Do I Get A Job” or “What Is An Internship?” etcetera before contacting companies directly via email/phone calls etcetera…

Social media

Social media is a great way to connect with your students. It’s also an excellent platform for sharing information and videos, photos, and stories.

Social media allows you to share all of your favorite content in one place; it makes it easier for students to stay up-to-date on what you’re doing in the classroom (and vice versa).

Interactive whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards are a great way to engage students, teach them how to use technology and the internet, and illustrate how these resources can be used in the classroom.

These interactive surfaces come in several types: some are flat panels with built-in touchscreens that allow students to draw on them; others have pens attached so you don’t need a screen at all (but they still work with your computer).

Another option is an app that lets you create digital documents using your smartphone or tablet device. Once created, you can share these documents via email or other means of communication with other people who also have access!

Technology for self-guided learning and assessment

  • Technology can be used to help students learn. Technology is an important part of the learning process, and technology-based learning centers are becoming increasingly popular in classrooms across the country. These centers give students opportunities for self-directed learning and assessment that traditional methods do not provide. Students can use computers, tablets and other electronic devices as tools for research projects, problem solving, independent writing assignments or any other type of project they wish to work on outside of class time.
  • Technology can be used to help teachers teach better by giving them new ways of assessing student work through online tests taken at home or while they are away from school during vacations or holidays; this allows teachers more flexibility in scheduling classes while still providing quality instruction at all times

Computer-based language learning (CBL)

Computer-based language learning (CBL) is a computer-based method of learning new languages that uses a computer to help students learn how to speak and write in their target language. CBL programs use audio, video, or written material to teach language skills. The material can be downloaded onto the student’s own personal computer, or it can be accessed from a library or school classroom.

The goal of this type of educational software is for students to practice using their new vocabulary words so they can improve their spoken and written communication skills in real-world situations before moving on to more advanced levels such as reading comprehension exercises, oral presentations on topics related directly back into class discussions after being given extra time away from regular homework duties due due dates coming up due dates approaching quickly approaching quickly approaching rapidly approaching rapidly approaching rapidly approaching rapidly approaching soon

Web-based distance education programs

Web-based distance education programs are a great way to get a degree online. They’re easy to access, easy to use and learn from, and they can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

The benefits of these types of programs include:

  • The ability to work at your own pace without having to worry about missing class or taking time off work;
  • The ability to change topics whenever you feel like it;
  • An environment where there’s no pressure on you because everything is done online;

Here are some innovative ways to use technology in the classroom.

  • Student-created games and apps.
  • Podcasts, videos and other media that students create themselves.
  • Apps for students’ phones or tablets (e.g., games like Draw Something or Words With Friends).
  • Online courses with interactive homework assignments that can be completed online and, in some cases, graded by an instructor using software such as Moodle (a popular open-source platform).


We hope that you have found this article useful and informative. If you are interested in learning more about these technologies, please visit our website at www.bestinschools.com

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