
Common mistakes to avoid when writing an academic paper

Common mistakes to avoid when writing an academic paper

Common mistakes to avoid when writing an academic paper


In an academic paper, you are expected to use correct grammar and spelling. But that can be a challenge for many writers. To avoid making certain mistakes when writing an academic paper, here are some tips:

Using a comma instead of a period.

A comma instead of a period is often a mistake in academic writing, but it can be easy to make. Here are some common ways that you might use commas instead of periods:

  • When using “the” with an article, such as “The president”.
  • To separate two independent clauses that aren’t conjunctions (and/or). For example: “John and Mary loved their house,” or “John was raised by his parents.”
  • To separate parts of a sentence that have no punctuation before them (such as “And then I went for lunch”), except when there’s more than one clause per sentence—in which case you should use parentheses instead!

There are also some sentences where using commas would be incorrect:

  • When using a question mark at the beginning of a sentence; this isn’t necessary because we already know what answer the speaker wants us to give based on context alone. But if they want us to provide additional information about something else (e.g., “Can I see your ID?”), then yes: please do so!

Not understanding the purpose of numbers in your title.

Not understanding the purpose of numbers in your title.

Numbers are a great way to help readers understand what the paper is about, and they can also be used to show how important it is. The key here is that you should make sure that your numbers tell them how much or how little you want them to know about each topic before you start writing!

Not having a subhead.

A subhead is a short title that is written under your main heading. It can be used to highlight the main point of your paper and help readers understand what it’s about.

The first rule for writing an academic paper is that you must always use headings, which are parts in your text that stand out from everything else, like paragraphs or sentences. Headings should be bolded, italicized or highlighted with some other style (like underlining).

Subheads are also important because they function as titles for each section within the body of an article – this way people know exactly where they’re supposed to look when they read through it all!

Forgetting about the question you wish to answer.

  • Don’t forget to address the question.
  • Don’t forget to answer the question in a friendly tone.
  • Don’t forget to answer the question in a friendly tone and with a smile on your face!

Not using “right” words the way they are supposed to be used.

  • Use the correct word.
  • Use the correct word in the correct context.
  • Use the correct word in the correct sentence.
  • Use the correct word in a paragraph or essay, but not just anywhere on its own!

Not using correct grammar and spelling, even if it is not important for you to do so.

You might be tempted to skip over the grammar and spelling sections of your paper, but this is not a good idea. Using correct grammar and spelling will make your writing more professional, so you can expect that your professors will appreciate it.

If you want to improve the quality of your writing, here are some ways to do so:

  • Use proper punctuation. For example: “The company has been around since 1992.” Instead of saying “since 1992” (which doesn’t make sense), use something like “Since 1992.” Your readers will thank you for using this simple yet effective change in wording!
  • Correctly capitalize every word except for proper nouns (i.e., names). This includes titles such as “Dr” or “Prof”—even if they’re not capitalized elsewhere in their own sentences! Don’t worry about being consistent; just make sure everything gets its due respect with capitalization throughout all parts of each document/paper/research project etcetera…

You can avoid these mistakes when writing an academic paper.

When writing an academic paper, it’s important to avoid these common mistakes:

  • Don’t be too harsh. A harsh tone can be off-putting and make your reader think you’re being insincere or uncaring.
  • Don’t be too soft. A soft tone is also off-putting because it sounds like you’re being disingenuous or overly positive about a topic (even though that may not be the case).
  • Don’t be too strict. Strictness can come across as judgmental or negative, so try not to use words like “never” or “always.” Instead of saying, “Never use this word,” say something like: “If you ever want to increase traffic on your site by 20% then try using more relevant keywords in titles.”
  • Don’t be too lenient: Some people argue that while leniency may seem good on paper (and maybe even at first glance), there are situations where being too forgiving might actually cause harm instead of help—like when someone who has been accepted into college has failed one class but gained admission anyway because they were already receiving financial aid from another institution; meanwhile another student who had excellent scores throughout high school won’t get into their dream college because they didn’t ace enough exams during testing season last year—so while some people might want forgiveness when speaking out against injustice within society as whole entity rather than just individual person(s) involved therein , others argue differently based upon personal experiences made possible through careful observation coupled with thoughtful consideration given equal weighting when making decisions about what course should take place next month/year etcetera…


Remember that the main goal of writing an academic paper is to communicate, not to impress your professor. So be sure to keep these tips in mind when writing: don’t use words or phrases that are unnecessary; make sure you’re using correct grammar and spelling, and avoid making typos; make sure your title is clear about what you’ll cover (and why).

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