
Mastering the art of essay writing tips and techniques

Mastering the art of essay writing tips and techniques

Mastering the art of essay writing tips and techniques


Have you ever tried to write an essay and failed? Maybe it was because you didn’t know where to begin or how to structure it. Or maybe you just don’t enjoy writing essays at all. In either case, I’ve compiled a list of tips that can help make your next essay writing project more successful than ever before!

Know your audience and purpose of the essay.

Knowing your audience and purpose of the essay is key to writing an effective essay. The audience members will be looking for different things from you when they read it, so it’s important that you know what they want from their reading experience. For example:

  • A high school student wants to show off some of her best work by writing about someone who inspired her or made her think about life in general (e.g., Gandhi). She may not be able to express why she chose this person without sounding like she doesn’t know what she’s talking about; however, if she mentions Gandhi’s important contributions as well as his personal struggles during India’s struggle for independence from British rule at length in order to demonstrate how those experiences shaped him into who he is today then readers will understand why this particular piece resonates so much with them!

Organize your ideas and choose a structure.

It is important to organize your ideas in a logical order. For example, if you are writing about the fact that women are underrepresented in tech jobs, it is best to start with a general statement about the gender gap and then move on to specific examples of how this happens.

It is also useful to choose a structure that suits your topic and audience. A good structure will be clear and concise but still easy for someone else (or yourself) to follow later on when they read it over again or review their own work retrospectively.

Choose an appropriate format, style and tone.

The first step in writing an essay is to choose an appropriate format, style and tone. This can be a difficult task because there are many different ways of writing.

  • Use a friendly tone when writing about people or events that have happened recently. For example, if you are writing about the death of your grandmother, then use a friendly tone because she would have been very close to you and it may be difficult for others who knew her well to understand how you feel at this time in your life.
  • Use formal language when writing about scientific topics such as human anatomy or chemistry experiments involving chemicals found in nature (elements). In these cases it is important not only that what has been discovered is explained clearly but also how it was discovered so others interested in these areas might find out more information themselves!

Write in paragraphs, not sentences.

Writing in paragraphs is a great way to make sure that you’re getting your ideas on paper. It’s also a good idea to get into the habit of using bullet points so that you can organize your thoughts and keep them organized as well.

In addition, using transitions between paragraphs will help readers understand where one paragraph ends and another begins. For example: “When I was young,” or “If I had known.” These sorts of phrases show the connection between two sentences or ideas so that the reader knows where one begins and where another ends without having to guess about it!

Finally, use conclusions at least once per essay—they’re an excellent way of tying everything together!

Use active language and active voice.

Active language is more direct and to the point. It’s also more concise, so it can be used in any tense.

In contrast, passive voice uses words such as “was” or “were” that indicate something happened to someone else rather than describing their actions. Passive voice can be difficult to understand because it’s less direct and clear than active language.

Active Voice

Use this type of writing when you want your reader to understand what you’re saying without having to read back over it again after he hears the end result (like if he’s reading aloud). Active voice allows readers’ minds to focus on one thing at a time instead of having multiple things going on in their heads at once while they read what you have written down—this makes reading easier! Active Voice has its own advantages:

Keep your writing simple and straightforward.

  • Use simple words. It’s easy to get lost in the details when you’re writing, so try to keep your essays as simple and straightforward as possible. This will make it easier for readers to understand what you’re saying and give them a better sense of how well written your essay is overall.
  • Keep sentences short. Another way to make sure that people can understand what they’re reading is by keeping sentences short (around 5-7 words). It makes it easier for readers’ brains to process what’s happening at any given moment, which makes it easier for them not only digesting information but also retaining it!
  • Write in active voice instead of passive voice if possible; this helps engage students more because they’re actively participating rather than just passively listening like how someone might do when reading text from an article or book (like this one!). Active voices tend not only allow students more control over their own learning experience but also ensures accurate representation through clear language use.”

Write about what you know and are passionate about.

Writing an essay is a lot like speaking, in that you need to use the right tone to convey your message effectively. The best way to do this is by writing with a conversational tone, which makes it easier for readers to understand what you’re trying to say and engage with your story or idea.

If possible, try writing about something that you know well—something personal or emotional (if necessary) will make your story more relatable and memorable for readers. You can also use examples from real life experiences to illustrate points in your essay; these examples will help readers see how things have worked out for others who have gone through similar situations as yourself.

Using these techniques will help you get started writing essays with ease

Using these techniques will help you get started writing essays with ease.

  • Use friendly tone: A friendly tone is one that makes the writer sound like they’re speaking to a friend, rather than an impersonal audience or a superior. The most effective way to achieve this is by including more personal words like “I,” “you,” “we” and other personal pronouns in your writing. You should avoid using too many nouns, especially when describing people or places; instead of saying “she is tall” use something like “my sister stands at six feet tall.”
  • Use simple language: In addition to being easier for readers to understand, simple language also makes it easier for writers themselves—because they don’t have as much work on their hands! When writing about complex topics such as economics or politics (for example), try using fewer words per sentence so there aren’t any unnecessary complications between clauses and phrases.[2] This can help keep things organized while still maintaining clarity for everyone involved in the reading process.[3]


Now that you have read through this article, hopefully you have learned some techniques to help you write better essays. While there are many other methods to be used, these are some of the most commonly recommended ones by experts in the field. Keep in mind that if one doesn’t work for you or if it seems too hard then don’t stress over it because ultimately nobody knows what works best for all students equally!

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