
essential tips for effective note taking in class

essential tips for effective note taking in class

essential tips for effective note taking in class


Note taking is one of the most important skills for students to develop. It allows them to recall information from class and apply it later, as well as reduce the risk of forgetting something important. However, taking notes during offline class can be challenging because it requires both creativity and discipline–two things that don’t come naturally when you’re sitting in front of a computer screen all day long! Luckily, there are some simple tips that will help make effective note taking easier:

Write down the main points.

  • Write down the main points of the lecture.
  • Write down the main points of the assignment.
  • Write down the main points of your class discussion.
  • And, of course, write down some more details from your textbook or website!

Save your notes in a common location.

It’s easy to misplace your notes, so it’s important to keep them in a common location. If you use a USB drive or cloud storage, make sure that you can easily access the files on another device if something happens to your original one (like losing it). Also consider putting your notes somewhere where they won’t get misplaced like between books in a backpack or lying around loose on desktops and laptops. The last thing we want is for someone else to find our notes while looking through some other random folder!

Write everything down in the order it happened.

  • Write down the order in which all of your notes will be presented. The best way to do this is by writing down the following:
  • What happened first (the facts)
  • What happened next (the ideas)
  • Then write down what happened after that, followed by a question or two and finally an answer.

Make a list of important terms before class to avoid getting lost while taking notes.

Now, it is time to make your list. The first thing you should do is write down all of the important terms and definitions that will be used in class. This will help you to avoid getting lost while taking notes. These are some examples of terms that could be included on your list:

  • “homework,” “homework assignment,” etc.,
  • different types of handwriting (e.g., cursive vs print),
  • different types of fonts (e.g., serif vs sans-serif),
  • names or acronyms for certain topics or concepts such as biology or chemistry (e.g., DNA).

Read over your notes after class to avoid forgetting details or misplacing them entirely.

After class, it’s important to read over your notes to make sure you’ve remembered everything. Reading over your notes after class is a great way to improve your note taking skills and memory. It will also help you better remember what was said in class so that when it comes time for exams or tests, there are no surprises!

Take notes on all course materials and assignments, including lectures and class discussions.

Take notes on all course materials and assignments, including lectures and class discussions.

This is a crucial step in keeping your mind fresh as you learn new information. The best way to ensure that your notes are up-to-date is to make sure they include all of the material covered during class sessions, as well as any assignments or other relevant information that has been covered in class (such as handouts).

If you don’t have time to write down everything that’s being discussed during lecture periods, try recording some key points so that you can refer back later without having access to any physical resources—for example, if there’s something important about how one particular topic relates directly back into another part of the coursework, jot down this idea quickly before moving on with whatever else needs attention.

Use these tips to make effective note taking during offline classes easier

  • Use a notebook or paper. You can use any kind of pen and pencil, but if you’re taking notes on paper, make sure that it’s not too thick or thin. The best notebooks have pages that are thick enough so that they won’t tear easily when you’re writing in them, but not so thick that they’re hard to write with (like extra-thick legal pads).
  • Bring in your own pens and pencils if possible—if not, ask your professor for permission first! If you do bring in your own supplies, make sure there are enough of them so everyone else has something nice to write on during the lecture period between class periods.
  • Highlight key words in boldface type using yellow highlighter pens before taking notes; this will help keep track of important information from each lecture session by allowing students like myself who don’t enjoy reading as much as listening while people talk (I do like talking)  to focus more intently upon these words rather than being distracted by all those other voices going off at once.”


We hope these tips will help you become an effective note taker in class. Remember that there are many different ways to take notes—and we’re sure you have your own unique method! Some of us like to jot things down on index cards or flip charts, while others use a pen and paper. Whatever works best for you is what matters most. But if nothing else, just remember: when it comes time for that final exam or big assignment deadline, don’t forget about yourself!

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